question: how to raise an emotionally intelligent kid?

It's weird that after I was asked to write an article for work, I suddenly found myself unenthusiastic about writing. I probably did not like the pressure. I am still struggling to get back my writing momentum. Not to mention that I have been nursing fever and flu since Thursday.

One night two weeks ago, I got home at around 9 in the evening, a bit earlier than the usual. TL#1 was so happy to see me and wanted to hoard my time. He wouldn't let me brush my teeth, wash my face and read the Revenue Memorandum Circulars and Court Decision for the article I was pressed to write. He wanted me to sit beside him and watch Bloopers on AXN. I'm not sure if he should even be watching the show. I made peace by dutifully sitting beside him, laughing when he prompts me to while trying hard to understand what i'm reading.

Then I got an urgent call from upstairs. Apparently, TL#2 stirred from his sleep and was crying for mommy. TL#1 reluctantly let me go with this: "Don't take too long mommy."

By the time I got back down, TL#1 was throwing a full-blown tantrum:

I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO UPSTAIRS! I wanted to watch Bloopers with you! Did I not tell you not to take too long? Why did you have to go to Tobey!

The show ended and he was so upset that I was not able to watch the rest of the episode with him. He was crying so hard, he threw up. OA level.

I wanted to dismiss his outburst as something petty. But he was too indignant I had to validate his feelings. I told him he must be upset because mommy took too long. He eventually calmed down.

Today, I was supposed to meet TL#1's teachers and get his grades. But since I was still sick and the husband had a prior commitment, the yaya went to school instead. She reported that TL#1 ranked no. 2. The adviser said he could have easily ranked no. 1 if not for his pagiging sumpungin and being habitually late.

The adviser is also hoping he won't have tantrums during the science quiz bee. He had already memorized everything in the reviewers. We just have to make sure he is in a good mood on the day of the contest.

Which now brings me to researching on how to raise an emotionally intelligent kid.

How about you, what are your secrets? Please do share.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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