good morning beautiful world

Woke up at 5:40 am and found out hubby is already on his way to the office. I can't imagine leaving the house this early for work. I used to many years ago, when we had inventory counts for out-of-town clients.

I used to hate waking up early. At home, I grew up being 'allowed' to oversleep because mama got tired of trying to rouse us (my siblings and me).

These days though, I've been feeling that my whole day is not enough for all the things I want to do in a day. After work and the long commute, my first priority is to spend bonding time with husband and baby. There's nothing much I can do after because my toddler either demands I play with him until he sleeps, which is quite late, or he plays with my pinkpad. I couldn't do anything without my pinkpad because it contains my books, magazines, notepad, etc.

I read somewhere that the best way to make time for your passions such as family, hobbies and interests, is to wake up early. That way, you can give your very best energy doing the things that you want and being with the people that matters most to you. You are also most intelligent and creative in the morning because your brain is at its prime. If you wait until after work to find time for yourself and those that matter to you, you would most likely be giving only your second best or worse.

That makes a lot of sense to me so maybe I should take the cue from hubby and make waking up early a habit. I could happily spend an extra hour eating breakfast with my baby and husband, preparing lunch baon and writing or reading a few lines.... or more.

Good morning my wonderful world!



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